Pompey Hill Cemetery

The Pompey Hill Cemetery is a historic landmark in the Town of Pompey. It is the final resting place of many prominent founders of the Pompey community as well as dozens of military war veterans, from revolutionary war soldiers to Vietnam. The oldest graves date back to 1806.
The Cemetery is situated in the hamlet of Pompey Hill, at the crossroads of U.S. Route 20, Cemetery Road, Cherry Street, and Henneberry Road. At first glance, it appears to be an extension of the Immaculate Conception Cemetery, which is actually a separate entity that is maintained by the Catholic Church.
Recently, a new board of volunteers has formed to address the restoration and maintenance of the five-acre site. This enthusiastic team of seven Pompey residents is working diligently to catalog the graves and restore the grounds to its former park-like setting. The Pompey Town Board has approved $1,800 for the committee to purchase software to assist in the administration of the Cemetery. More funding and volunteers are needed to help restore the historic chapel and the grounds and gravestones.
If you are interested in assisting with this worthwhile project, either monitarily or as an administrative or grounds crew volunteer, contact Pompey Hill Cemetery Board President Laini Amaritnant at 315.396.3215.